1. Ok, the first time it was oppa Shi Hoo vs Trainee A. She accused that Shi Hoo oppa raped her twice (at the beginning she told the she was rape and not mentioned the "twice" part). Shi Hoo oppa side sued back trainee A for the false report. Shi oppa plaid not guilty.
2. Trainee A friend, B, stated that A got a helped from the manager of Shi Hoo oppa former management, if i'm not mistaken Eyagi ent. B stated that the manager suggested and encourage A to sue and make a big deal of Shi Hoo and A's intercourse relationship. Because of this later came up news that Shi Hoo case was an hidden agenda by the Eyagi ent. therefor, PSH also sued the Eyagi ent. along the manager it self. that makes PSH sued 2 side. But, that didn't made Eyagi ent to stay still, they also shown some struggle to sued back PSH. the Eyagi ent, stated that there was never a form of action to get down PSH carrer by using this case, Eyagi ent, admit that Trainee A once come to talk to Eyagi ent. regarding her case, but, Eyagi never encourage her to make up things and the meeting only last for a few minute. Eyagi also stated that at the time they only give support to trainne A cause of her trauma.
3. The Police decided not to arrest PSH during the ongoing investigation on his case. They stated, that for the past months PSH has been a cooperative citizen and they believe that PSH will never try anything foolish like running away or eliminate some evidence in the future.So, for now PSH on domestic custody.
4. Due to the many news spread regarding PSH case, causing nitizen keep giving some comment wheater it is positive nor negative toward PSH, trainee A, B, police dept, etc. 5. MBC TV station has given some statement also about PSH that will be banned or not. They stated that they haven't decided about PSH case until all the case are done and the verdict is also clear. As we all know that MBC is one of the TV station that has poicy not use any actress or actors that had a criminal history. Well, we just hope that that wil never happen to PSH, coz i'm still looking forward for his next and continues work. Note : pls join my blog if you already visited this blog. Tq
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