It seems that the world is under attack constantly by "craze dance sensation" (I don't know exactly what that sentence means, but it sound cool when u say it LoL).Ok let me just review some of the frantic dances for the past years :
1.Melbourne Shuffle
Let's just say few years ago we knew the "shufflin" move right? who doesn't remember it, every single person even kids done it, just like the song every day I'm shuffle'in. every single thing got to be shuffle. Starting from singing, making video, even mob dance in proposing your fiance begin with shuffle. This shuffle thing begun in the Melbourne that is why some called it the Melbourne Shuffle. Back in 1980's people who dance the shuffle are often referred to as rockers, due in part to the popularity of shuffling to rock music in the early 1990s. No wonder all age seemed to be fond of this move, coz doin the shuffle is not a hard thing to do. yous just move your leg front and backward as well as your hand, just as simple as ABC LOL.

2. Gangnam Style
Then recently we got the Asian dude with his horse riding dance. PSY with his Gangnam Stlye. I don't know exactly how this dance got popular on the firs place, but i do know that this dance become popular via Youtube. since there was USA celebrity give comment about the dance on the youtube then come along other celebrity from the USA to check or just to take a peep on PSY's video, then boom ... suddenly the "like" button on PSY video become countless and making him unstop able to become famous all around the globe. can u imagine becoming famous across the globe coz of the horse riding move ...! How lucky are u PSY.

3. Harlem Shakes
Then come to the latest dance... Harlem Shakes... it seems that the USA is not intending to give PSY the time long to enjoyed his Throne as a "craze dance sensation" maker. well, what can we say USA is a country that had a thing in making them feel a step ahead us LOL. This Harlem shakes just this early 2013 become popular and still now. but the popularity of Harlem Shakes can not yet compared to PSY's Gangnam Style. We all know where this Harlem Shakes comes right? well, comes from you know where ... USA of course. Just as a reminder that Harlem is a name of a street in New York, actually this Harlem Shakes is the original dance of one of the tribe in Ethiopia, that grow and evolved in Harlem district, Harlem mostly populated by the Africa-America people. The Video of Harlem Shakes shown a grp of boys wore a mask dancing in the middle of the crowd, while the crowd watching the boys dancing suddenly all of the crowd begun to follow the boys dancing also, then the Harlem Shakes begun to show. simple right!

Well those three dance I just mentioned, had a lot of commons, there are : 1. Getting hit coz of Youtube (thanks to Mr. Tube there, every one got the chance to be famous in a lot and unique way)
2. The "Craze Dance" is actually had a base on some previous move, such as rockers dance, riding a horse, and tribe dance.
3. These 3 dances are really popular in a fast process, no wonder their popularity can't stand in along period.
4. The 3 dances famous from a not so popular celebrity, except for PSY he's a singer in South Korea, but that doesn't count coz, what i'm referring to is famous in worldwide such as like Beyonce, Michael Jackson,etc.
5. The dances already performed by many people across the globe including making mob dance performances, if you all searching by adding country name behind on those name of the dance you will find almost nation having one. and not just common people but also famous people.
6. The Mob movement of these dances mostly take part in several unusual places, take for example lately The Harlem Shakes mob dances takes place on a plane that fly, all the crew and all the passenger took part on the Harlem Shakes just check on youtube here's a link
We just wait until there will be another new dance, but for now, let's just enjoy Harlem shakes for a while. ^-^
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