Many facts prove the difference between man an woman not only on their body language, but also in many things.
When most man flirting we often can tell by their body language due to their small angle point of view, on the other hand woman are rarely active on those kinds of thing but it doesn't mean that woman never flirt, we woman are more worst than man in flirting.
Here are some of the difference between us, man vs woman, these difference may seems kind of small issues but in real life these thing are real.
Salt vs Sweety
Man : believe it or not they can taste salt and sour then woman
Woman : the winner in tasting sweet things, their smell and sensitivity are beyond man.
No Problemo vs Big-big problemo
Man : When they are surrounded by problems, they can find the way out
Woman : They often blame their self when problems hits 'em
Small vs Big bone
Man : Man has a bigger, stronger and stiff bone.
Woman : The bone are a bit smaller and flexible.
It's all about me vs it's all about him
Man : When a man faced with in a situation that might consider a bit of difficult to choose, they often think using their mind rather than their heart or feelings.
Woman : More likely to use their heart and their feelings
Brain : Yours VS Mine
Man : They tend to think something over and over again. lack of sensitivity caused by their undevelopt korteks
Woman : Sensitive to voice and good in communication, writing, and reading, it's because their left brain evolved more early then man, plus their left and right brain can operate on the same time.
7.000 VS 20.000 Words
Man : Man used about 7.000 words per day
Woman : Woman can reached 20.000 words per day
Logical VS Intuative
Man : They depend on their logic, for example when they are shooping they tend to buy rather then windows shooping.
Woman : Pending on their intuition.
General VS Detail
Man : On mans eye they are certain colors that they see the most, and those colors are usually basic colors such as red, blue, and green
Woman : They see more colors than mans such as white, blue sea, green apple, purple, maroon, etc.
Forget It VS Think About It
Man : Usually never remember about their past or something that already happen along time ago.
Woman : They tend to always remember about the past, even it's minor details.
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