Minggu, 03 April 2016

Ultima II extraordinaire supreme pure collagen skin care

Lagi mencoba produk yg satu ini, karena pada dasarnya memang lagi mencari produk skin care yang berbau dengan collagen. Since, usia sudah kepala 3 jadi merasa harus secaptnya melakukan pencegahaan terhadap yang namanya "penuaan dini". Sebenarnya ultima ii collagen serum ini sudah lama launching tapi baru berkesempatan baru - baru ini untuk menggunakannya dan langsung suka pertama kali pakai.
Dikemas dengan kotak yang mewah, di dalamnya terdapat 3 botol serum tiap botolnya isinya 5 ml. Menurut instruksinya di gunakan 2x dalam sehari pd saat pagi hari dan malam. Karena ini serum tergolong high budget buat aku, maka aku hanya menggunakannya 1x aja sehari pd malam hari dan ditambah dengan rocollagen extreme lotion cleanser.
Selain karena dia mengandung pure collagen, alasan lain aku memilih ini adalah karena simple dan tidak perlu repot-repot harus ke dokter kulit. Berikut beberapa hasil yg di percaya dihasilkan oleh Ultima ii Extraordinaire Supreme Collagen :
- mengecilkan pori-pori wajah
- membuat kulit wajah kenyal
- melembutkan permukaan kulit wajah
- mengencangkan kulit wajah
- melembabkan kulit wajah

So far aku menggunakan serum ini yang pasti langsung terasa adalah membuat kulit ku terlihat lebih cerah, kulit wajah ku mulai terasa kenyal, untuk pori belum terlihat mengecil atau menyamarkan.
Kenapa aku memilih serum dan bukan skincare collagen dari ultima ii juga?  
Serum ini sepertinya biang / inti dari serangkain skincare yang bertujuan mencegah penuaan dini. So plan berikutnya jika serun ini habis maka saya akan melanjutkan dengan serangkain skin care procollagen extreme treatment.

Entertainer, Jisung comeback drama

Finally i will get to see the oustanding (for me) apperence of Jisung one of my favorite korean actor. It's been quite a while since my last review of his act in "kill me heal me" drama. And now he'a will play in hos new drama titled "Entertainer" which will be schedule airing on apr 20th. I did some reading through various sites about his new role on Entertainer, for Jisung is really putting his skill on choosing his ever single character in every of his drama, now his back with a total different character from his prev kill me heal me character.
Entertainer is about the story of the people who gathered together to form a music band. Shin Suk Ho which will be play by Jisung worked for yhe biggest entertaiment company as a director, but noq he is the CEO of a new and tiny entertaiments company. He gathers people to form a band. Through various incedents, Shin Suk Ho becomes a real and successful manager. This drama genre is all about romance (of course), And comedy. One of the thing that intrest me is that Jisung will be paired with one of the Girl's day member Hyeri, considering the gap of their age are quite far makes me wondering how will this drama turn out? 
Well, Jisung is not just some ordinary actor, he and his team probably already made some plan about his next projects and this drama is one of those project. 
Fyi, Jisung character is way different from kill me heal me that's what amazed me, he can surely pick a different role in every of his drama. 
So, don't forget to scratch the pen on your schedule to watch Mr. Jisung comeback on Entertaiment. Whoever his co leading actress is ... Jisung will always made a great chemistry.