In my opinion it will be hard to made a comeback in short time, considering that PSH is "free" from the case in a strange way, mostly coz he's plaid not guilty nor guilty by the court, if he was plaid not guilty, then there should be a celebration about his freedom. but in PSH case we all know that there are some "mutual agreement" between accuser A and PSH, that made A pull out all her charges against PSH, and so were PSH. Until now, public are not awere of what was the "mutual agreement" between them. Back to te topic about what's next for PSH carrier. As i said earlier that i gues that He will not made a comeback soon, some source said on behalf of PSH stated that PSH will not made a comeback nearly this year, he will take his time to evaluate all thing that happened this past few months, if possible and if there will be some job to do, probably he will consider it to start next year.
In my opinion that PSH is really had a rough time (who wasn't if in his shoes), coz' PSH is in his golden stage before the case, his carrier speed up quite fast, public consider him as an actor that has a "charm" and also his acting can made public saw him as his role in every drama he played. It's pretty quite unsual that his case is happened right on his top position of carrier.
I guess it will be hard for him first to deal with the reality that his carrier had crushed down in a blink of an eye, and to deal that he had to start over again from the begining to enter the entertainment world, and not just that, but will the public received him back as a charming actor or will the public will banned him as an actor of a "sexsual harrasmenet" image. Come to think about it, PSH really have a lot of home work to do, he'll need all the support he had from all his fan base all accros the globe to convince and to keep them in mind that PSH is still the prince of charm, well that's not gonna be easy, because a lot of public stated that after this case, surely PSH carrier will be finished, just reading about it made me felt sad. I'd trully hope that doesn't happen to PSH. As many song wrote Only time can tell and now for PSH only time can tell when will public forget about the case. Note : pls join my blog if you already visited this blog. Tq